COVID-19 has every landlord scrambling to prepare an upcoming financial storm.
This week we talk with Jason Yarusi of Yarusi Holdings about the steps he’s taking as an apartment owner to prepare for an economic downturn. Jason’s company currently owns a portfolio of 800 units.
Watch this episode to learn:
* Four parameters you must monitor on your portfolio
* How to break complex tasks into manageable chunks
* Why consistent communication with residents is the key
* Should you be taking owner distributions right now
* What steps are being taken with lending partners
Get Smart and Invest Smarter with the Apartment Investor Show where JC Castillo and Paul Peebles interview top industry experts and discuss current market trends, investment strategies and fundamental concepts to help you make smart multifamily real estate investments. Visit our website at:
JC Castillo has spent the last 13 years helping investors profitably navigate the ups & downs of a full market real estate cycle. In 2006 he founded Multifamily Property Group, a vertically integrated private equity firm focused on large scale value-add apartment properties in select US markets. Learn more about Multifamily Property Group at:
Paul Peebles has been arranging real estate financing for borrowers and institutional clients since 1987. Mr. Peebles is the National Underwriter at Old Capital, underwriting and structuring all transactions handled by the company. Learn more about Old Capital at:
Guest Info:
Jason Yarusi